Adam Kendall-Ball has the unique experience of being a full-time evangelist in various congregations; stateside as well as South Africa, Zimbabwe and The Netherlands.
With this background brother Adam is a proven communicator, mature in faith with strong knowledge of the scripture and biblical applications. A hard worker filled with enthusiasm, love and desire to encourage fellow saints and desire to reach out and contact the lost within the community.
Using these talents our evangelist presents the simple gospel from an in-depth spiritual perspective. With eager anticipation he looks forward to conduct public and private Bible studies, for both members and those in the community, in order to grow in faith and relationship with our Lord God.
We’re honored to have Adam as the full-time evangelist serving the church of Christ meeting a Mockingbird Street in Hot Springs. We warmly welcome you to join us, as he imparts grace to those who hear the Word of God.
“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearer.” Ephesians 4:29